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ICPC for Schools

About ICPC For Schools:

  • ICPC for Schools is an inter school competition for high school students.

  • This competition serves as a gateway for the school students to participate in ACM ICPC contest along with ICPC college participants held across India. It is an idea conceived by CodeChef and supported by Amrita University.

Preliminary Online Contest Details:

  • The preliminary online contest will be held on 22nd October 2016, post that few teams will be invited to the onsite round at Amritapuri ICPC site in the month of December.

  • The languages allowed are Java, Python and C/C++

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Any school student from India can participate in the contest.

Team Formation:

  • It is a team contest with each team having a maximum of upto three members from the same school. Even one member per team would do!

  • Every team should have a mentor teacher from their school


Note: There is 'NO' registration fee for the online contest.

Onsite Contest Details:

  • Regional sites available: Amrita University (Kollam)

  • Onsite Registration fee: INR 1500

  • Accommodation and food will be provided to the teams qualified for the onsite regionals.

  • Based on the sponsorship funds, university will try to reimburse one way 3AC ticket fare (max) on producing the tickets at the onsite.

  • Individuals coming under top 10 (in Indian school category) in CodeChef’s September or October Cook-Off will be entitled for travel reimbursement of upto INR 1500/-.

Note: This contest is not officially related with the ACM ICPC and hence this will not merit qualification to the ICPC World Finals.


For any queries, please feel free to contact us on [email protected]