Wiki Howto |
This page describes a few things about how to edit the wiki effectively and also the dos and don'ts related to editing the wiki.
Some points to keep in mind
1. Only someone who has successfully solved a problem in any of our monthly contests will be able to edit the wiki.
2. Keep the wiki content simple and easy to understand.
3. Do not change the page titles if you haven't created the page. This might lead to broken links elsewhere.
4. Please do not create pages arbitrarily. Create them only when required.
5. Please do not change the links posted on pages. This might break them.
How to use the wiki
1. If you want to link to a page titled X, you can do so by placing two '[' to the left of X and two to the right.
2. Use heading tags like <h3> etc. sparingly as they are used to generate the table of contents on the fly. Any content within <h3> tags will be included in the table of contents.
3. Place the table of contents at the top of the page. A table of contents can be included by placing one '[' to the left of 'toc' and one to the right.
4. There is a revisions tab at the top which will show the different revisions of the page. Please do not revert back to any revision arbitrarily.
5. You can click on the html button in the editor to get the html source of what will be displayed. You can add tags like <h3> etc. as well as lists and tables using this.
6. If you are posting source code and want it to be automatically highlighted, paste the code in ['code'] [/'code'] tags. (Ignore the quotes while actually using the tags)
7. Every created page should ideally be linked to from somewhere. So, if one wants to create a page, edit an existing page from where it should be linked and then when you click on the link, you will be taken to the page creation page. So if you want to create a tutorial called ABC, go to the Tutorials page and add a link to a page titled ABC by placing ABC in two [ to the left and two ] to the right of it. Once you save this, you will get a link on this page which will take you to the creation page for your new page titled ABC.